I picked up Arthur Simon's book How Much is Enough? at a book sale in Maryland a few weeks ago. It got my attention from its title and the questions that are raised from it. Simon asks some of the questions that have been on my heart for quite some time now. He raises issues with the some of the ideas of American Culture and questions their Kingdom value.
This book proved to be a good read, I enjoyed the content, it wasn't the most challenging academic read that I have had but I enjoyed the flow. Simon does a lot of citing other sources in the book and telling the stories of those who have lived simple lives. I enjoyed hearing all the different stories and having a better understanding of the spiritual lives.
Reading this book has renewed my love for people. I have come to a deeper understanding of the ways in which people might reach poverty, most of the time it isn't by choice or by lack of effort. In reading this book I found within myself this desire to open our house and hearts to foster children. To not just talk about the need for change but to take actions necessary for change. In the last few years God has been laying this on my heart, I've been discovering this desire again and again. Who knows where it might lead.
Simon quotes Richard Foster in one of his chapters talking about how simplification of life is not done just because but out of a love for God and man. He quotes Foster as saying "The Christian life comes not by gritting our teeth but by falling in love." Beautiful.
If you are curious about some of the influence of a materialistic society and how that might influence our ordinary lives then I recommend that you pick up a copy of this book. You can also get it here.
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