Monday, October 4, 2010

Gratitude on a Rainy Day

"When good is found and we embrace it with abandon, we embrace the Giver of it... Every second is an opportunity to praise. There is a choosing to be made. A choosing at the moment. This is the raise habit. Finding God moment by revelatory moment, in the sacred and the mundane, in the valley and on the hill, in the triumph and tragedy, and living praise erupting because of it. This is what we were made for." - David Crowder Praise Habit.
The good I've be blessed with is to vast to name, but here is a few:

rainy days that inspire coffee and writing.
husbands that blog beside you.
quiet nights when all is at rest.
memories of children and horses.
the community of those that surround you in the past and present and those even who live at a distance.
finishing a book and starting a new one.

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog. Your list is precious. I join you in gratitude for rainy days that inspire coffee and writing and a husband that blogs beside you...that is just simply lovely.
    May you see the abundance of gifts that the giver of all gifts lovingly bestows on you daily.
