Saturday, October 2, 2010

Change, Part I.

Defined by the Webster dictionary change is to alter or make different. For many of us change is an everyday reality in our lives in both sorrowful and joyful ways. Our lives are constantly being altered and we are always experiencing differences. Some larger then others. In the last three years of my life I have been shaped by changes, some dramatic while others slow and not always easy to see. I have fought change, cried because of it, and glowed in the joy of it. While it has been difficult and beautiful, each in its own moment I have learned so much from change. I want to share what I have learned about change because while in the midst of change its often easy to get discouraged and to lose sight of what is being created. Change has taken parts of me that were fearful and shaped it into courage, there have been parts of me that were angry and bitter that are still working on being shaped into forgiveness.

Families changing in numbers and shape, academia coming to an end, leaving friends and moving into a new phase in life, marriage, new jobs, all of these are some of the change that we face in life. All of these changes I have experienced in the last three years.

When things began to first shift it was like I got punched hard enough to get my breath taken away. It was painful to face the reality of what was when my family changed in shape, I had to recognize lies lived with for years and decide what I was going to do about them. This change ran into my identity and was wrestling with it to see who I was at the deepest core of my soul. I walked away bruised and bloody but knowing that my truest self was not based upon lies or broken pieces but upon the truth that I was the beloved of God. This face of change was the hardest thing I have ever faced in my life but the beautiful transformation of identity that comes from tragedy hides behind the shadow of pain.

And then there is change that soars like the peak point of music that is played by an orchestra. The change that happens when you open your heart and life to someone, when together you make a decision and commit to face life together, and then begin a life as a couple – that change is incredible. Beautiful in many moments, hard in other moments, but in the end the most life giving change I have made.

Many of us are experiencing change at this moment, even though we may not feel it. The waters may feel stagnated but I promise you they are not. Our God is the Creator God, the one who makes, shapes, and transforms us into the people He desires, people whose hearts are open and vulnerable to love. There is much change and transition in my life now, so much that it feels overwhelming but my desire is to allow the shifts that are happening to be molding a heart that is overwhelmed by love so much so that the only possible thing to do is love back.

Friends, let us feel change. The pain, the joy, the heartbreak of change leads us into the depths of being transformed by love and into His likeness.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rainy Days

Rainy days make me happy. Most people like the sunny days, but I love the rainy ones... The best days are the ones when you wake up the the rainy gently falling on the roof. I sigh, snuggle under the covers for just a few more minutes, and then can't wait to get up because the thoughts of drinking coffee and reading a book are just to enticing.
Rainy days make me wonder about life a little. About callings and vocations. Dreams and destinations. Do callings last, even when you think they might have disappeared? I'm waiting to make a visit, hoping that seeing, listening, and meeting might be able to help me make a better decision but mostly open myself to hear the whisper of God. Maybe I have been to afraid to listen, maybe fear clogs eardrums just enough to not be able to listen. Practical didn't work and I found that out. Maybe callings come when you pursue what you love reading, writing, and talking about.

Maybe, just maybe, like Rich Mullins says:
I can't see how you're leading me
Unless you've led me here
Where I am lost enough to let myself be led
And so you've been here all along I guess
Its just your ways and you are plain hard to get.
-Rich Mullins, "Hard to Get" from The Jesus Record

I don't know. I really don't. And its a good thing, I think.

Monday, September 27, 2010

the beauty of gratitude

Abundance overflows even in times of uncertainty and transitions. Thankfulness overflows for:

-the change of season. I love the sight, smell, and taste of fall.
-rainy days.
-the beets we froze and canned today which were given by a friend.
-books and libraries. I have a boatload of books on horses, cowboys, and medieval knights right now.
-penned words.
-the friendship of Mothers.
-coupons and bargains!
holy experience