Thursday, August 26, 2010


With boxes packed, pictures taken off walls, and much cleaning to be done I realize that now the time is coming to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. The tears, the leaving, and wondering if you are ever going to have that moment in time again.

As I was thinking about goodbyes I realized that its been almost a year since I said goodbye to one of my faithful friends. He was a four legged guy with the kindest face you have ever seen. He would whinny at the sound of my voice and push me with his nose until I gave in and scratched his neck. We were an odd pair, he was a big horse with a big step, and I'm petite and my legs seemed to barely wrap around his belly when I rode him. But our personalities clicked. We worked together as a team, sometimes it was frustrating and sometimes we had exhilarating
moments of where it was like we almost thought alike.

Sadly, one day his curious personality may have gotten him in trouble when he came in from the field with a hurt eye. It was a long series of events but eventually he just got worse and worse. The hard decision came and the best choice was for us all to say goodbye.

The last walk we had together was the saddest, with each footstep I knew that I was beginning to say goodbye and thank you at the same time. With many kisses and hugs, I told this faithful beast the hardest goodbye I have ever had to make to an animal. I thanked him for the years of friendship, the long trail rides through woods and fields, the hard work of the semesters of equitation in college, and finally for all the ways he rekindled my love for horses on a daily basis.
Its almost been a year now. For weeks on end I would listen for the sound of his whinny. I would wait to see his brown and white face peek around his stall. I hated being back by his empty stall.

With time it grew easier but there is still not much I wouldn't give for a canter across a field on his back. Hawkeye taught me how to say goodbye. He gave me time for closure, time to reminiscence of times gone by, and he waited for me to hug and kiss him before he left our world.

Every time I face a goodbye, I think of this special horse and what he taught me. To hold the bitter and the sweet memories. To reflect and remember. Now as we say goodbye to this city and this home, I remember Hawkeye.

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